Hollywood Hotties as Greek Goddesses

With just five weeks left until the theatrical opening of The Legend Of Hercules, we can't help but think of Gods, and far more importantly, Goddesses, of Mt. Olympus who were the true celebrities before there TVs or movies or iPods. The only music available was the lute and your natural voice, so that ruled out auto-tuned pop stars. You know all the guys in Ancient Greece got deep into lust with the immortal hotties living high up beyond the clouds. Not much has changed to this very day. We still appreciate classic beauty. But with the ancient Goddesses dispelled to the four winds, we got to thinking which celebrities of today would make the best divine Greek replacements.
Selena Gomez - Persephone
Persephone was the goddess of the Spring, a spry and fun loving little minx. But she was also bound to Hades, the Lord of the Underworld. Thankfully, Selena Gomez has since broken up with Justin Bieber, but she still comes closest to having married the devil himself.
Jennifer Lawrence - Athena
Athena was a sensitive poet and an artist, but at the center of it all, one crazy hot voluptuous blond. She was also known for her strategic thinking in times of war. Jennifer Lawrence has handled more than one battle smartly in Hollywood.
Kim Kardashian - Gaia
Everything revolved around Gaia. The seas, the earth, the sun, the moon. She was the center of the Universe. Now, Kim Kardashian may actually be quite so important, but she certainly believes she is. She's got to be Gaia.
Shailene Woodley - Artemis
The young Shailene Woodley is a nature-made crunchy kind of girl. She loves to spend her non-working time living in remote cabins in the woods without electricity and, like the goddess Artemis, foraging for grub.
Taylor Swift - Nike
There's many things you can say about Taylor Swift, but everyone has to agree, she is winning. Fame, fortune, every single music award under the sun. Love her or not so much, you can't deny that Taylor Swift is the current goddess of victory.